The park

The vegetation, the fauna.
A territory rich in different species, as few.
Discover Mount Etna and protect it step by step: follow the paths!
For the Arabs was Djebel-Utlamat, for the Romans Mons-Djebel, for the Sicilians is Mungibeddu. Discover the Etna, the mythical Fùcina of the gods!
Explore the secrets of Mount Etna’s trails!
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How to reach the park

By Car:

Highways A/18 Messina-Catania or A/29 Palermo-Catania.
Motorway A/29-exit at Catenanuova-continue towards Catania and reach the S.S. 121 via the Calanchi Road (dir. Biancavilla) and the Simeto Valley.

S.S. 113 Primoranea Palermo-Messina, Exit S. Agata Militello crossing the Nebrodi Park.
S. S 120 Western Center Sicula through Troina and Cesarò.
S.S. 121 Enna-Catania crossing Regalbuto.
